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Agreement My

Agreement My: A Common Mistake in English Grammar

Agreement My is a common mistake in English grammar, especially among non-native speakers. It is a result of confusion between subject-verb agreement and possessive pronouns. In this article, we will discuss what Agreement My is and how to avoid making this mistake in your writing.

What is Agreement My?

Agreement My occurs when a writer uses a possessive pronoun, such as my, our, or their, instead of a subject pronoun, such as I, we, or they, to agree with the subject of a sentence. For example, consider the sentence, “Me and John are going to the movies.” In this sentence, “Me” is a possessive pronoun, while “John” is the subject. The correct form of the sentence should be “John and I are going to the movies.”

Another example of Agreement My is the sentence, “Their is a rumor going around.” In this sentence, “Their” is a possessive pronoun, while “rumor” is the subject. The correct form of the sentence should be “There is a rumor going around.”

Why is Agreement My a problem?

Agreement My is a problem because it is grammatically incorrect and can make your writing appear unprofessional. It can also be confusing for the reader, as they may have difficulty understanding the meaning of the sentence. Moreover, if you are writing for SEO purposes, using incorrect grammar can negatively impact your search engine rankings and reduce the credibility of your content.

How to Avoid Agreement My?

To avoid Agreement My, it is important to know the difference between subject and possessive pronouns. Subject pronouns are used to replace the subject of a sentence, while possessive pronouns are used to show ownership or possession. Here is a list of subject and possessive pronouns:

Subject Pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they

Possessive Pronouns: my, your, his, her, its, our, their

When writing a sentence, make sure the subject and the verb agree in terms of number (i.e., singular or plural). If the subject is singular, the verb should also be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should also be plural. For example, “The cat is sleeping” (singular subject) and “The cats are sleeping” (plural subject).

In conclusion, Agreement My is a common mistake in English grammar that can make your writing appear unprofessional and confusing. To avoid Agreement My, it is important to know the difference between subject and possessive pronouns and ensure that the subject and verb agree in number. By following these simple rules, you can improve the quality of your writing and enhance your SEO efforts.

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